GNR, good'n reality

Forword: Good and reality, reality and good, good, reality - reality can be not good but real.

GNR, Simplyfied non-lucky contents and (hard/minus/etc) life parts of publications:
Logical is - all has its beginning and all must be cleared and saved - a old model can be deprecated or obsolete.
First the main informations - later the hand picking accesses.
Nobody and mostly no kidz needs protection from reality informations - but the reality and single/etc existences can go different. ((Look to the Ukraine crises/miserable.))
In the middle of this concept is the scientific credibility and therefore verifiability in its logical art/wise of bringing it to the persons, old to young, affected not affected etc.
You see it - you can speak it | Not everywhere not everybody is here the priority of publishing minus/reactionary/bad stuff, there are positives that cant be publisht completly.
The common good and its restrictions on access to dangerous and frightening material -> a job for professionals and everyone.
Priority of GNR: Global, non-compromented, good ((etc)) plus now the restriction in access. A old model is the date/time, age restrictions, pins etc.
Time is right to set more power into the global publicity by scientific and technical correctness.
Eventualy a expanded concept is still being written here..


